Katie Batz ’13 Posted on September 9th, 2016 by

What advice can you give students to help them develop leadership skills?While there are great benefits to trying a little it of everything in college, my advise to you is to really get involved in an organization that you love. Give your time and energy to something you feel passionate about and can gain real leadership experience in – even if that means creating a student organization of your own!
What is the best advice you were given to help you develop your own leadership?
One of my favorite advisors in college told me that as she was talking to me, she could tell that I was already thinking about what I wanted to say next. She noted that this can be both frustrating and distracting for those talking to me. Her advice was to really listen to people and not be so concerned with my side of the conversation. Her advice has helped me listen more actively and make the people I am in conversation with feel like I am engaging whole heartedly in what they have to say.

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